Bioengineering Diversity Council 
The UC San Diego Bioengineering Diversity Council leads equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) efforts within the bioengineering department at UC San Diego. Its goal is to not duplicate EDI efforts, but instead amplify current and continuing EDI efforts as well as bridge any gaps. The Diversity Council wants to ensure that the BE Community knows of EDI and related resources available as well. Its primary goal though is to empower students, faculty and staff to take part in EDI efforts and address EDI issues as they come up. With time, the Diversity Council's goals and approaches may evolve to fit the needs of the BE Community, and it welcomes feedback on anything it does.
The UCSD Bioengineering Diversity Council has taken forum attendees' feedback to structure its goals and approaches. From there, it has outlined the main themes/concerns to create our beginning efforts. In order to get further organized, the Council has been meeting with organizations who focus on EDI efforts as well as with individuals to garner information of the ongoing efforts within the Bioengineering Department. Lastly, the Council is working on a survey to gather further information on the topic of Diversity in the Bioengineering Department.
BE Diversity Council Members:
- Mariela Saldana-Staff
- Irene Hom-MSO
- Luis Gonzalez-Barranca-UG
- Maya Rowell-GSR
- Francisco Contijoch-Faculty
- Stephanie Fraley-Chair
The Bioengineering Diversity Council is coordinating efforts through Slack Workspace, which all are welcome to join. Join the Bioengineering Diversity Council Slack channel.
The Bioengineering Diversity Council will also be hosting quarterly town hall discussions on topics of equity, diversity, and inclusion, which all are invited to participate in. For more information, please contact the Institute of Engineering in Medicine at, or contact Dr. Stephanie Fraley at
Winter Quarter Town Hall - Women in STEM: Picture a Scientist
The UCSD Bioengineering Diversity Council hosted a Winter Quarter Town Hall on January 15, 2021. The theme of this quarter’s town hall was “Women in STEM: Picture a Scientist ”, and centered on the experiences of female scientists as depicted in the film, Picture a Scientist. Dr. Stephanie Fraley, Professor of Bioengineering and Chair of the Bioengineering Diversity Council, mediated a discussion amongst six female panelists addressing topics from the film such as gendered harassment and discrimination.
Read more about the Winter Quarter Town Hall.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at UC San Diego
UC San Diego aims to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in on-campus efforts to establish an inclusive and diverse community with equal opportunity for all.