
GEM Program
The Galvanizing Engineering in Medicine (GEM) program is an initiative headed by the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI) and the Institute of Engineering in Medicine at UC San Diego (IEM). Leading this initiative are Andrew McCulloch, PhD., Deborah Spector, PhD., and Gary Firestein, MD. GEM promotes collaboration between engineers and physicians to develop innovative technologies that can be applied to solving challenging problems in medical care.
The Galvanizing Engineering in Medicine: Student Teams for Outreach, Networking, Engagement, and Service
(GEMSTONES) program's Community Engagement Research Award provides funding for faculty co-investigators to develop technology projects that better define and address health-related community needs.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs at IEM

The Galvanizing Engineering in Medicine Inclusion Initiative (GEMINI) aims to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Institute of Engineering in Medicine and beyond through community outreach, mentoring, and career development support.
Highschool Programs at IEM
The Outreach Program for Advancing Learning in STEM (OPALS) is a 6-week high school internship that aims to provide pre-college students with hands-on experience in STEM in a research laboratory setting. Interns will learn the scientific background to various research, observe or assist UC San DIego researchers and students in performing experiments, learn to analyze experimental data and present a research talk or poster at the end of the internship.
OPALS Pre-College Courses
The Outreach Program for Advancing Learning in STEM (OPALS) offers 3-credit UCSD Extension pre-college courses, designed to complement and enhance the research conducted through the OPALS program.
Scholarship Programs at IEM
Siebel Scholars
The Siebel Scholarship awards at UCSD are administered by the Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM) and the Jacobs School of Engineering (JSOE) to reward academic excellence and leadership achievement in the discipline of bioengineering for Ph.D. students in all departments in JSOE.

J.Yang Scholarship Program
The J. Yang Scholarship Program at UC San Diego funds undergraduate and graduate scholarships and research programs for the purpose of recruiting and retaining highly promising future scholars from Taiwan high schools and universities. The grant also supports student research programs for UC San Diego students studying in Taiwan and travel and residencies for UC San Diego faculty and researchers in Taiwan. The program also includes an annual bilateral symposium to discuss topics of mutual interest, including current research partnerships, results of research collaborations, and opportunities for seeding future activities.