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“Bio x A.I. x SD” networking event gathers thought leaders


November 14, 2024 – On October 25, the UC San Diego Institute of Engineering in Medicine hosted the “Bio x A.I. x SD” networking event coordinated by the Institute of Engineering in Medicine’s Center for Technology for Healthy Aging (CTHA) and the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering’s Center for Machine-Intelligence, Computing & Security (MICS) in partnership with Potato AI.

 Bio x AI x SD Organizers

Pictured are event organizers Nick Edwards, Farinaz Koushanfar, Kiana Aran, and Professor of Electrical Engineering Tara Javidi.


The event served to foster the niche community of bioengineering that intersects with artificial intelligence (A.I.) across academics at UC San Diego and industry. Leaders who are pioneering this field gathered together from all across UC San Diego Health Sciences, the Jacobs School, and the Office of Innovation and Commercialization. Notable industry participants included those such as Altos Labs, Vertex, Qiagen, Resilience, Phase Two Ventures, Collaborative Drug Discovery, Data Tech Fund, Yatiri Bio, Voyant Bio, and Aureka Bio among others.


AI is utilized within all of the Institute’s centers to benefit patient treatment and recovery as well as many novel biotechnologies. We thank all who attended to discuss the cutting edge of Bioengineering, A.I., and medicine. Special thanks to the event's organizers, Kiana Aran (CTHA co-director), Nick Edwards (Potato AI), & Farinaz Koushanfar (MICS). These individuals are excellent examples of leaders in multidisciplinary research collaboration.

Bio x AI x SD Shu Chien

The UC San Diego Institute of Engineering in Medicine's founding director, Shu Chien, in discussion with industry attendees.

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